IINtegrative Coaching Method™ has been expertly developed over time at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN). IIN has remained at the forefront of health coaching and shaped the Health Coaching profession for KK1 and many others for more than 3 decades.

IINtegrative Coaching Method™

  • Being and Doing - The core of who we are and what we do.
  • Coaching Container - The space for people to grow that gives structure to the coaching relationship.
  • Bio-IINdividuality - The idea that both the coach and client have different needs and are unique.
  • Multidimensional Health - The idea that both coaching and health are holistic and include all aspects of an individual – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual
  • Coaching Lifestyle - The idea that health coaching is both a profession and a way of life.

KK1 Method

Health and wellness are often used synonymously, The difference between health and wellness is health is the goal and wellness is the active process of achieving it. Health refers to a state where the physical body is free from disease, while wellness refers to an overall balance of a person’s physical, social, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, environmental, and occupational well-being.

Health has always meant different things to different people. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, health is based on the movement of qi (“energy or life force”) and harmonizing yin and yang, opposite but complementary qualities. Traditional African healers view health as more social than biological. Indigenous American healing traditions involve ceremonies for greeting the seasons and using plants for healing and promoting health.

KK1 Lifewell Holistic Nutrition Coach views health holistically and serves as a guide to help clients with lifestyle changes in many areas, such as relationships, physical activity, career, and even spirituality. Though nutrition is often considered, KK1 Holistic Health Nutrition Coach does not prescribe specific nutrition plans or protocols; we empower clients to create and continually adapt unique wellness lifestyles and approaches to nutrition that work for them.

What does it mean to be healthy?

  • Some people may want to look at the numbers on the chart
  • Others will focus on the presence or lack of disease
  • Then there are those that will think of it as a state of mind
  • Still, others will focus on what they eat to determine whether or not they are healthy

None of these ideas are wrong, focusing on just one aspect of health can ultimately limit your understanding of it and your ability to achieve it. There is no one way to optimal health. Health is bio-individual - There's no one size fits all solution. There is no right or wrong. We all have unique needs that will change over the course of our lifetime. KK1 views health as an opportunity to nourish and heal the mind, body, and soul in all the ways you need over time.

  • An opportunity to live in alignment with your purpose and beliefs.
  • An opportunity to transform every area of your life and those of your clients
  • An opportunity to experience vitality so you can give your best gifts to others.

Integrative Coaching Approach

Integrative Optimal health is sometimes a blend of conventional and alternative modalities that work together to maintain wellness and heal and prevent illness in mind, body, and spirit.

Multidimensional: Health is holistic and extends into all aspects of the individual - from your physical body to your mental health and felt emotions to your deepest spiritual needs. These aspects of health - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual - are interconnected and influence one another in many ways along the journey to whole person health. As clients move through our program they gain deeper insights into their own wellness and become more perceptive of the nutrition and lifestyle behaviors that feel best for their bodies and redefine what they believe it means to be healthy. As clients embrace their own truth wherever they may find it. Our clients reclaim their power to transform themselves and learn to help others do the same creating a ripple effect that can transform the world.

Bio-Individual: Everyone has different needs and is unique in what supports their individual health and happiness. These needs will change over time, so continually adjusting the approach to health and lifestyle is necessary.

KK1 starts by taking an integrative approach to health and well-being. KK1's curriculum at IIN has trained KK1 to embrace all truths, integrating different perspectives. A mix of science and spirit, intellect and intuition, experience and innovation to create a program. KK1 incorporates functional medicine approaches. We look at the body's interconnected systems. KK1 focus on uncovering the root cause of disease, not just the symptoms.

KK1 investigates factors that trigger

  • We explore how knowing your own health history will help you heal.
  • We also consider the importance of personalized nutrition And the interplay between food, lifestyle
  • And social and environmental factors.

KK1 does this by teaching clients about a blend of modern health modalities, such as nutrition-related lab testing in addition to ancient complementary and alternative health philosophies. KK1 has learned tangible evidence and action-based strategies to support health. KK1 also help clients tap into the innate intelligence of their body and take a holistic, multidimensional approach that considers body, mind, and spirit. We guide clients to trust their intuition to guide them on their journey toward healing so they can live in alignment with their full potential. No matter where clients' health journey is starting or where it takes them we encourage clients to use their own individuality and the unique path they need to follow. Our clients already have great potential inside of them and we help them awaken that potential.

Primary Food Method

When you think about what nourishes you, what comes to mind? Perhaps it’s a career goal and achievements that have been deeply fulfilling or the relationships you have with your best friends. Maybe it’s taking a long walk with your dog or being creative. You might even think about growing a garden or joining family or friends for dinner.  These are examples of what we refer to as primary food. The parts of life that feed our body, mind, and spirit off the plate. Primary food is a core concept of IIN that KK1 has received thorough training. Primary food supports well-being, and clients may make some surprising discoveries about their own relationship with primary food and how it impacts health and happiness.

  1. Spirituality can mean many things and is truly unique to each person. It’s about finding meaningful connections that allow you to view life with deeper significance, such as your identity, values, sense of purpose, or even something greater than yourself.
  2. Creativity is self-expression in whatever medium feels right for you – such as drawing, cooking, or playing an instrument. Creativity is more than artistic output; it can be the ability to make connections between existing ideas or come up with new solutions to a common problem.
  3. Finances The primary food area of finances can bring joy or stress to your life. Understanding and being in control of your finances in a way that works for you as a bio-individual can lead to feelings of freedom, comfort, and confidence that can improve health in many ways.
  4. Career Many people spend more than half their waking hours at work, and it’s important they find ways to be fulfilled in this area of primary food. Having a career or purpose that nourishes you and compensates you fairly can affect satisfaction, life balance, and well-being.
  5. Education The learning a person does as they progress on their life journey is important to their health and life satisfaction. Education can mean exploring traditional formats for acquiring knowledge, like going back to school, as well as nontraditional formats, such as engaging in self-study or staying curious through your experiences to continually grow.
  6. Health Taking care of yourself and your multidimensional health is what this area of primary food is all about. Our bodies, minds, and spirits all have needs, and meeting those unique needs without judgment can improve our overall health, happiness, and ability to feel satisfied.
  7. Physical Activity Your body thrives on movement, whether running, weightlifting, practicing tai chi, dancing, or doing simple stretches. Finding types of movement that nourish your body, mind, and spirit can provide a sense of balance in this area of primary food.
  8. Home Cooking Taking care of yourself by nourishing your physical body feeds you mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Plus, sharing food can be both an act of self-care and an expression of love for others.
  9. Home Environment Your home environment includes your physical living space, the people you interact with regularly, your neighborhood, and your natural surroundings. On a larger scale, it also includes your city, state, or country. Your home environment includes everything that surrounds you throughout the day and has the potential to either energize or drain you.
  10. Relationships Your connection to other human beings greatly contributes to your health. Your relationships with those closest to you can provide important forms of support, connection, and love that can nourish you deeply.
  11. Social Life Creating space for social interactions with others is important to your health, happiness, and well-being. This can look like engaging in activities to build new connections, maintaining existing friendships, chatting with someone you don’t know, or building a sense of belonging in a community.
  12. Joy is the experience of positive emotion recognizable through physical expressions, such as laughter, a smile, or a sense of lightness in the body. It can come from an external source, such as a child smiling at you, or by connecting with something in alignment with yourself or your values.

The IIN Circle of Life

The IIN Circle of Life tool, composed of the 12 areas of primary food, shows how each area contributes to your overall multidimensional health and happiness. You can reflect on and celebrate the areas of your life that are balanced and working well. The Circle of Life also offers an opportunity to focus on areas that may be out of balance so you can find ways to infuse more satisfaction into your life. Explore the IIN Circle of Life Select each slice of the Circle of Life graphic to learn how it can contribute to satisfaction and balance on your wellness journey. 


  1. Place a dot in each section to indicate your level of satisfaction in that area. A dot toward the periphery indicates satisfaction, and a dot closer to the center indicates dissatisfaction. For example, if your health is feeling great, place a dot toward the outer edge of the circle.
  2. Connect the dots to see your Circle of Life. Identify your current areas of focus.
  3. Determine where to spend more time and energy to cultivate balance.

If you do not have access to a printer, you can try IIN's interactive version on desktop or mobile: integrativenutrition.com/circle-of-life

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